Friday, June 02, 2006

Just for interest sake

Apartheid has never been a great concern of mine, maybe because it has never affected me, well, that is untill i started working and realised all that was told or read was actually true and yet still so alive in the community's we all live in. What a scary thought that some people actually still think that they are more superior than others, shocking really. Anyway, this whole topic comes from a book i spotted at my uncle's place. Ive seen the book around at home at dad's but have never read it, merely because I just didnt care about the concept of apartheid. This is because I was never really exposed to it. I cant remember going to a beach and seeing a "Whites only" sign, or going anywhere and being chased away. I attended a white high school too, and it was the best years of my life, much better than primary school. I loved my white teachers and they absolutely loved our class, so much that they were all sobbing when we left, well, we wouldnt know whether it was of relief or of sadness for us leaving, but the latter is what i suspect ;)

Getting back to this book, i went visiting my uncle and aunt two weekends ago and spotted this book in his bookshelve and pulled it out and paged through it, and boy, was i shocked at the things i read. I dont know whether its more funny than degrading or more degrading than funny. Either way its actually completely hilarious, that i wonder who is really the UNEDUCATED ones........ Ag, thats me just trying to be nasty, we were all caught up in circumstance, terrible circumstance really.

Anyway, again getting back to this book, its called "Apartheid The Lighter Side" by Ben Maclennan and its made up of various quotes from newspapers, journals, gazettes, doctors, ministers of parliament, just made up of various things said during the apartheid era. So i decided to do some reading on it, and my o my, was i flabbagasted!

There are many to quotes but one that got the better of me was this quote by our First Lady in 1983:

"You know they are a negetive group. the definition of a coloured in the population register is someone that is not black, and is not white and is also not an indian, in other words a no-person. they are the left-overs. they are the people that were left after the nations were sorted out. They are the rest - Mrs Marike de Klerk, later to become SA first lady in 1983. quoted in the sunday tribune, February 5 1989"

What a mouth full of bullshit dont you think! Im actually sitting here thinking what i will write about this comment, but nothing comes out, its so shocking really that i just cant say anything about it. Lef-overs!! What a joke!
The sad thing about it all is that this could possibly have been taught to her by her parents or her social circle or her siblings or the man on the street, by anybody, i give her and apartheid that, but arent we the wiser as we grow and become INDIVIDUALISTIC!! And to think this was said on my 9th birthday, on my 9th birthday this women said that im a left-over! Maybe that is why my husband doesnt like left-over food, if i compare left-over food to coloured people being left-overs, doesnt it just make you sick to the core. And yet for me left-over food is the best tasting than the fresh food made on the day.

I dont want to sound like a sore COLOURED, just thought to share a bit of my reading with whoever feels fit to read this blog. We strive to not be discriminative and racist and everything else that has conotations of those two words, but its all alive, very much alive still. How many times dont we have to fight for what is right. I have friends that complain about their work situations, how racist it is, and how the white man still rules the planet. Now for someone like me to not have been exposed to it completely, I would be able to see if this is true or not, I should be the one being able to see if i agree or disagree, and i SO agree. And then what is said, we are just feeling sorry for ourselves, we are taking advantage of our situations, damn right, its by time we do take advantage or our situations, and yet still, its not even enough.

I just believe that right is right, and wrong is wrong. Im not going to say that i will now be a devoted ANC or a devoted ID or anything, what im saying is, right is right and wrong is wrong, and i dont care the colour of the person, if i feel in any way as if im being "done in" or if i feel im being unfairly treated, it doesnt matter who you are, you will hear about it. Now isnt that freedom of speach for you. I dont feel anything bad toward Marike, may her soul rest in peace, she has answered what she had too.

Apartheid will only die when the world ends!

I just thank God that its all over......well almost


Your Thoughts
Sonja xxx


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it really so damn hard for every1 to just get along??
Im not saying that u have to like every1, but rather, dislike an individual than an ethnic group. Right?

12:00 pm  
Blogger Sonja Lietch said...

I agree with you fully!! Rather the person than the ethnic group!! But that is going to take some time. Alot of time really.

An accident, a white girl knocked by a black guy, and the comments passed about that was shocking. But i do however feel that part of us all is racist sometimes, that is natural, its really something that has been taught to us, whether it be indirect or direct!

I say, if you dont got something meaningful to say, shut that whole in your face. Right? Heheheheheh

Thanks for your comment, my devoted blog Reader ;)


12:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If no one told me what racism was, or about all the pathetic apartheid stories, this would never have been something that even entered my mind. I've never seen colour as something that differentiates people, I guess I was lucky with the time period I grew up in.

4:07 pm  

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