Thursday, June 08, 2006

Women in prison

Chatting to my friend earlier, she tells me about the documentary done on special assignment about women in prison. She didnt know that women are in Pollsmoor, she thought it was only for guys. I guess we would all think that way, because when you hear about murder or rape or any crime, it generally is the men that are being locked up or in court, except for dear Dina, the baby killer. She in actual fact is in Pollsmoor if im not mistaken. Where she rightfully belongs, one cant help but judge her, we shouldnt, its not what God intends for us, but isnt it just human nature??

Anyway, just a few things that was said in this documentary got me thinking that these people are living in a different world of some sort. They are saying that their long prison sentences keep them away from their children, but who the hell put them in jail in the first place, only them themselves. Yes we can argue that circumstance is what has caused them to act the way they did, but think about it this way, there are so many people in this world that has lived through circumstance, and they havent killed, robbed, raped, stolen from anybody else because they believed something was owed to them. I cant help but feel as though these prisoners feel as if the world owes them something. They have every benefit I have, only difference is that they are confined in one place, and the greatest difference that is that its all for FREE. They get fed, bathed, clothes on their bodies, beds to sleep in, STUDYING, extramural activities, everything for free, and yet they still complain!!! If i had it my way, i would have them work for what they are receiving. Why does the tax payer have to go to work everyday, be on the side of the law, pay for his/her own studies and still have to see to it that prisoner's are getting all these benefits in prison?? Gee, then what is the use of being a law abiding citizen??

Apparently their cell doors are open, but their gates are sectioned off and locked, so they actually have the freedom to interact with the other prisoners, depending on which section they are in ofcourse. My my my, aint that just a pretty picture??? The one girl said she doesnt feel like studying. Now i can remember how i didnt feel like studying, but why was that, because i was spoilt, and i knew that mommy and daddy would see to my needs, always see to my needs, so is she saying she doesnt feel like studying cos everything is coming so freely to them?? Is she saying that "mommy" and "daddy" is going to look after her?? Mommy and Daddy being me and you, me and you who pay our taxes.

Another thing that my friend said is that she drives past the prison everyday, and she sees the prison trucks with the prisoners in them. She says they all sit and look out the window and she can see their hands are not tied. The apparent reason for this is so that they are free to get out of danger if an accident is to occur. NOW WHAT THE HELL!!! What if the accident involved me for instance, me and my whole family and one of these trucks, and the door is flung open and all the prisoners (who are more than the two or three guards in the front) jump out the truck, three guys grab the cops, the others run towards my car, pushes me to the passanger seat, a few more get in at the back, throw out my kids and drive off with me. What do you think will happen to me???? Thank heavens my kids are not with. But that is a simple reality, that is what happens in this world. And yes they have rights, but what about MY and YOUR rights. How does that situation protect me?? It protects the prisoners, but it doesnt protect me, cute world we live in, brilliant thinking from the government. And my friend feels that she hasnt violated the law so her rights should be more important. I feel that that is a normal reaction to feel that way, especially in the above example.

So where does this all leave us?? Just with another blog, with more questions, and no answers. How do we make sure that we are protected?? No wonder the kids join these gangster groups and do drugs and sex crimes and things, because clearly the law seems to be a bit tooooo concerned about its prisoners than its law abiding citizens!! And yes, I believe that prisoners can be rehabilitated, but that isnt the point we are trying to make here, what im saying is, where are our rights if these are clearly so thought of. How many kids want to go study, they dont have any funds?

And another shocker, if they are pregnant, their child is allowed to live with them till the child is 5 years old. I MEAN!!!!

I actually just rest my case....




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

4:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

9:20 am  

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