Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ag, just some bashing and thoughts again

So Im at a finance meeting last night and Father fetches the paper after we were sitting and discussing accidents on the roads lately. The headline "Two more highway stonings". What an interesting headline, lets see what it says. So i read the article, and boy did it get my blood in knots, not boiling, in knots. The audacity of the people we have somehow put in power of our province, shocking, i dont know if we should blame ourselves more or them more. Its shocking to think that the MEC of Community Safety can say, and i quote "A meeting took place. Who was there is not important. What is important is that a meeting was held". Now you tell me, what the hell??????? What a big joke, how can it not be important to know who was there, the right people have to be at a meeting to make a meeting somewhat of a success. Who is this little idiot trying to fool! This infuriates me. That was the start of me writing this blog. Clearly our safety on the roads are of no concern to these people. Over the past week there have been more than 10 deaths on the road, one being my friends mother that was killed on sir lowry's pass last wednesday thanks to a guy in a polo racing down the pass, losing control of his car and hitting right into my friends mother. She was killed on the spot, her other daughter's hip was broken, the aunty (the mother's sister) was in critical condition and her daughter was also taken to hospital. I ask myself, where are the patrolling cars that are needed to maintain the speed limits on roads. What is the use of having camera's on the roads when everybody will speed after that camera because they all have found out on some or other site where all the camera's are. Lets face it, SPEED CAMERA'S DO NOT SAVE LIVES. We need cops patrolling the streets and making sure that things like this dont happen.

How many people must die on the N2 because of the stoning before something is done. Why cant a police or traffic official be driving over every bridge on the N2 so as to prevent these things from happening. And dont tell me there are not enough officials, because there are. This morning I'm driving behind a metro police car, there are three of them in the car. The driver is chatting away, his hands waving all around in the car, the way he is explaining his little story, driving more than 80km in a 60 zone, ofcourse i know this because i was driving to keep up with him, just to prove once again, that not even the police or traffic officials obey the roads. Now you ask, how the hell will the public obey it if the people that are supposed to UPHOLD the law dont even remotely try to. He then turns off at the Caltex garage turnoff after flicking his cigarette butt out the window. Wasnt that the cause of fires a few months back??? Explain that philosophy to me, or that pathetic mentality. Oh and lets not forget him waving at me when i gave him the look of death as i passed him to follow on straight on the road.

Another shocking bit of the article was that some Cape Town officials were not even informed of the meeting, then why was a meeting held when the correct people were not even informed. I mean, this is not a little company and 10 employees that are being dealt with. This is a county where millions of people live, where we all are eagerly anticipating safety, safety all round, not only on our roads, in our neighbourhoods, even just walking to the shop. What are all the MEC's and MP's doing whole day, sitting on their arse's and adding kg's to their asses? Why is it so difficult for them to get things done, and please dont say its money, cos considering what they drive and where they live, it cant possibly be money. Its pathetic. A politician should be compared to a doctor, they should only be doctors or politicians if their main concern is their patients or citizens and not their pockets. I have no sympathy for politicians and my respect is fading day by day. And that would explain why the police are so depressed half of the time, they are not being seen to, their salaries are pathetic, working conditions shouldnt even be mentioned, but everyday they get up and go to work with the thought that it could be the last time they see their families. Last night driving home, i was listening to the news and people are asking for the death penalty to be reinstated. Well well well, some other idiot said that the problem isnt in the punishment but in the fact that the criminals have no fear of being caught!!! So then whey not bring the death penalty back, either way, nothing will change in their attitudes, or will it? Isnt it something to consider for the good of our country?????? Jesus died for our sins and he wasnt even guilty of a crime. These prisoners take innocent people's lives and feel absolutely no remorse. What to do?

Everyday i read a bit more about the crime and the unsafety, i read it, i see it on the news, when will all this just get better, when will we be able to walk to our cars without looking over our shoulders, when will we be able to lock our doors in the morning without turning to see if anybody is watching, when will the paranoia go away? When will the people we need to make things better for us step up to the plate. They should stop blaming whatever they do blame and use what they have and build it from there.

They are pathetic if you ask me, pathetic!

As I just read on my friends blog "BUT.......while we get more angry at people and the world for this, maybe we should turn our focus unto Jesus, let Him deal with it, not us, because we will just ruin each other............." Maybe we should just heed her advice...


Your thoughts......



Blogger marshy452 said...

thanks for this article and i surely agree with everything you are saying. I even drove to athlone yesterday and refused to take the N2, how can one live like this.
You know how i feel bout all this crime, it just sours my day!

but as u say at the end maybe we should let go and let God. Maybe God is trying to shout at us, saying hello, I'm here to help, you dont have to sort out this problem, i'll sort it out for you!!
I'm pretty sure if pple get more focused on religion things will get better, and soon as well!

My uncle mentioned about Minister Rasool and Coffee Anan who excused themselves from a important discussion to go to mosque. But do we Christains excuse ourselves to go to church or go say a prayer when at work, in a meeting or facing a important decision? I dont think so....

10:19 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

9:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

3:08 pm  

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