Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ag, just some bashing and thoughts again

So Im at a finance meeting last night and Father fetches the paper after we were sitting and discussing accidents on the roads lately. The headline "Two more highway stonings". What an interesting headline, lets see what it says. So i read the article, and boy did it get my blood in knots, not boiling, in knots. The audacity of the people we have somehow put in power of our province, shocking, i dont know if we should blame ourselves more or them more. Its shocking to think that the MEC of Community Safety can say, and i quote "A meeting took place. Who was there is not important. What is important is that a meeting was held". Now you tell me, what the hell??????? What a big joke, how can it not be important to know who was there, the right people have to be at a meeting to make a meeting somewhat of a success. Who is this little idiot trying to fool! This infuriates me. That was the start of me writing this blog. Clearly our safety on the roads are of no concern to these people. Over the past week there have been more than 10 deaths on the road, one being my friends mother that was killed on sir lowry's pass last wednesday thanks to a guy in a polo racing down the pass, losing control of his car and hitting right into my friends mother. She was killed on the spot, her other daughter's hip was broken, the aunty (the mother's sister) was in critical condition and her daughter was also taken to hospital. I ask myself, where are the patrolling cars that are needed to maintain the speed limits on roads. What is the use of having camera's on the roads when everybody will speed after that camera because they all have found out on some or other site where all the camera's are. Lets face it, SPEED CAMERA'S DO NOT SAVE LIVES. We need cops patrolling the streets and making sure that things like this dont happen.

How many people must die on the N2 because of the stoning before something is done. Why cant a police or traffic official be driving over every bridge on the N2 so as to prevent these things from happening. And dont tell me there are not enough officials, because there are. This morning I'm driving behind a metro police car, there are three of them in the car. The driver is chatting away, his hands waving all around in the car, the way he is explaining his little story, driving more than 80km in a 60 zone, ofcourse i know this because i was driving to keep up with him, just to prove once again, that not even the police or traffic officials obey the roads. Now you ask, how the hell will the public obey it if the people that are supposed to UPHOLD the law dont even remotely try to. He then turns off at the Caltex garage turnoff after flicking his cigarette butt out the window. Wasnt that the cause of fires a few months back??? Explain that philosophy to me, or that pathetic mentality. Oh and lets not forget him waving at me when i gave him the look of death as i passed him to follow on straight on the road.

Another shocking bit of the article was that some Cape Town officials were not even informed of the meeting, then why was a meeting held when the correct people were not even informed. I mean, this is not a little company and 10 employees that are being dealt with. This is a county where millions of people live, where we all are eagerly anticipating safety, safety all round, not only on our roads, in our neighbourhoods, even just walking to the shop. What are all the MEC's and MP's doing whole day, sitting on their arse's and adding kg's to their asses? Why is it so difficult for them to get things done, and please dont say its money, cos considering what they drive and where they live, it cant possibly be money. Its pathetic. A politician should be compared to a doctor, they should only be doctors or politicians if their main concern is their patients or citizens and not their pockets. I have no sympathy for politicians and my respect is fading day by day. And that would explain why the police are so depressed half of the time, they are not being seen to, their salaries are pathetic, working conditions shouldnt even be mentioned, but everyday they get up and go to work with the thought that it could be the last time they see their families. Last night driving home, i was listening to the news and people are asking for the death penalty to be reinstated. Well well well, some other idiot said that the problem isnt in the punishment but in the fact that the criminals have no fear of being caught!!! So then whey not bring the death penalty back, either way, nothing will change in their attitudes, or will it? Isnt it something to consider for the good of our country?????? Jesus died for our sins and he wasnt even guilty of a crime. These prisoners take innocent people's lives and feel absolutely no remorse. What to do?

Everyday i read a bit more about the crime and the unsafety, i read it, i see it on the news, when will all this just get better, when will we be able to walk to our cars without looking over our shoulders, when will we be able to lock our doors in the morning without turning to see if anybody is watching, when will the paranoia go away? When will the people we need to make things better for us step up to the plate. They should stop blaming whatever they do blame and use what they have and build it from there.

They are pathetic if you ask me, pathetic!

As I just read on my friends blog "BUT.......while we get more angry at people and the world for this, maybe we should turn our focus unto Jesus, let Him deal with it, not us, because we will just ruin each other............." Maybe we should just heed her advice...


Your thoughts......


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Some more cuteness

Monday 12 June, nerves a bit shattered, i stroll into the doctors office. Im about 23 weeks and 4 days pregnant and i know this is going to be a detailed scan. The doc will be checking everything he needs to for the 24 weeks. A bit nervous, Kelly (my 17 yr old sister in law) is sitting next to me and Brandon (my gorgeous hubby) is standing behind me. The doc steps in and does the norm, asks how im doing and then checks to see how far i am and just arb little things. All i really want is to get on with it, i want to see my baby. I only get to see him every 4 weeks, so when the doctor says "Lets go have a look", the excitement overwhelms me. So i lay on the bed and he puts this cold jelly on my belly, exactly where the baby is laying. How do i know this?? I read about it all the time, and i feel him kicking me in my navel and around my navel continuously.

And there he is, my little boy. WOW, what a fantastic feeling. The doctor then checks everything he needs to check. I glance at my hubby, the amazement and joy in his eyes, makes me feel all emotional, as if i havent been for weeks now. Kelly is watching the screen, proud aunty and im just feeling all warm inside. Im going to be a mommy soon, how exciting. Well, now im so excited, i cant wait for September to come so i can go on maternity leave and just have baby on the brain, not that i dont already ;)

Doc checks the size of his head, this should coincide with how far i am in the pregnancy, the reading says 24.1mm, so its about 4 days out, that isnt bad at all. He is so tiny, doc checks his heart and his legs and feet and his hands and his little face, o my word, he is beautiful already, he is all mine. God has graced me with such a wonderful gift, its really overwhelming, think only other mommies will understand the feeling, and mommies like me who thought id be waiting forever....... He weighs 622g, just 22g more than the estimate on my chart on the fridge. The doc says it is very good, he is growing perfectly. My little angel. I cant help but just want to say, Thank you God, thank you. You know that feeling when you so badly wanted something and your mother surprises you when you feel that its not going to happen, now that feeling i have at the moment, that feeling that makes me just want to say Thank you.......
The doc is waving.......i look on the screen, his little hand is on the screen, so the doc is waving hello at him, cute man! I take it, he just wants to get over and done with this, we are invading his sleeping time.

Kelly and I go shopping, so i get him his first three pairs of socks, some vests and a grower. First clothes i buy him. Grandma Nicky and Grandma Virginia has been buying him so much that i dont even have to buy him anything, but i just had to buy him something for being such a good child. Already rewarding him, and he isnt even here yet. I take it its just natural instinct.

What an amazing feeling to feel this little person kicking inside of me like he is, and oh, lets not forget, he is a he, triple checked ;) just got to make sure the blue clothes are not going to be a waste. He is so loved, his grandma told me monday, she doesnt care about anything or anyone, he is already hers, she already loves him forever, and that is so true, i just love him forever already.....


Your thoughts


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Women in prison

Chatting to my friend earlier, she tells me about the documentary done on special assignment about women in prison. She didnt know that women are in Pollsmoor, she thought it was only for guys. I guess we would all think that way, because when you hear about murder or rape or any crime, it generally is the men that are being locked up or in court, except for dear Dina, the baby killer. She in actual fact is in Pollsmoor if im not mistaken. Where she rightfully belongs, one cant help but judge her, we shouldnt, its not what God intends for us, but isnt it just human nature??

Anyway, just a few things that was said in this documentary got me thinking that these people are living in a different world of some sort. They are saying that their long prison sentences keep them away from their children, but who the hell put them in jail in the first place, only them themselves. Yes we can argue that circumstance is what has caused them to act the way they did, but think about it this way, there are so many people in this world that has lived through circumstance, and they havent killed, robbed, raped, stolen from anybody else because they believed something was owed to them. I cant help but feel as though these prisoners feel as if the world owes them something. They have every benefit I have, only difference is that they are confined in one place, and the greatest difference that is that its all for FREE. They get fed, bathed, clothes on their bodies, beds to sleep in, STUDYING, extramural activities, everything for free, and yet they still complain!!! If i had it my way, i would have them work for what they are receiving. Why does the tax payer have to go to work everyday, be on the side of the law, pay for his/her own studies and still have to see to it that prisoner's are getting all these benefits in prison?? Gee, then what is the use of being a law abiding citizen??

Apparently their cell doors are open, but their gates are sectioned off and locked, so they actually have the freedom to interact with the other prisoners, depending on which section they are in ofcourse. My my my, aint that just a pretty picture??? The one girl said she doesnt feel like studying. Now i can remember how i didnt feel like studying, but why was that, because i was spoilt, and i knew that mommy and daddy would see to my needs, always see to my needs, so is she saying she doesnt feel like studying cos everything is coming so freely to them?? Is she saying that "mommy" and "daddy" is going to look after her?? Mommy and Daddy being me and you, me and you who pay our taxes.

Another thing that my friend said is that she drives past the prison everyday, and she sees the prison trucks with the prisoners in them. She says they all sit and look out the window and she can see their hands are not tied. The apparent reason for this is so that they are free to get out of danger if an accident is to occur. NOW WHAT THE HELL!!! What if the accident involved me for instance, me and my whole family and one of these trucks, and the door is flung open and all the prisoners (who are more than the two or three guards in the front) jump out the truck, three guys grab the cops, the others run towards my car, pushes me to the passanger seat, a few more get in at the back, throw out my kids and drive off with me. What do you think will happen to me???? Thank heavens my kids are not with. But that is a simple reality, that is what happens in this world. And yes they have rights, but what about MY and YOUR rights. How does that situation protect me?? It protects the prisoners, but it doesnt protect me, cute world we live in, brilliant thinking from the government. And my friend feels that she hasnt violated the law so her rights should be more important. I feel that that is a normal reaction to feel that way, especially in the above example.

So where does this all leave us?? Just with another blog, with more questions, and no answers. How do we make sure that we are protected?? No wonder the kids join these gangster groups and do drugs and sex crimes and things, because clearly the law seems to be a bit tooooo concerned about its prisoners than its law abiding citizens!! And yes, I believe that prisoners can be rehabilitated, but that isnt the point we are trying to make here, what im saying is, where are our rights if these are clearly so thought of. How many kids want to go study, they dont have any funds?

And another shocker, if they are pregnant, their child is allowed to live with them till the child is 5 years old. I MEAN!!!!

I actually just rest my case....



Wednesday, June 07, 2006

On a personal note.....

At 8:25am on Sunday morning Liam Pharrel Felton was born to proud parents Venice and Roger. Now you would wonder why this is the start of my blog today, but i have a picture of him on my desk and maybe its all just becoming so real to me now because im pregnant too. Pregnancy and babies are amazing, what a fantastic creation really. I sit and look at the picture and at his perfect little face, his little nose, and his dark eyes and his tiny little mouth. It has to be one of the worlds greatest wonders. And then i look at Venice and i think, "Holy smoke, did that person just come out of you!!!" Gee, it seems all too alienish if you ask me, but the reality isnt so far away for me either, in about 4 months time Ill be first hand witness to it all and so will my husband, even though i have no idea if the boy will be able to handle it. Gee, will I be able to handle it.

So its visiting hours on Sunday afternoon, and in steps Connor (6 month old baby) with his parents (Jill and Reuben - Reuben being Roger's brother) and Cole (3 and a half month old baby) with his parents (Emme and Clint - Clint being my brother). Liam is laying peacefully in somebody's arm and Im standing with Thomas doing flip flops inside me and something just makes me realise, " Hey, you next!!" What a mixed emotional feeling runs right through my body, its like having a shower and as you turn around with the water running down your back, it all of a sudden feels cold: the last of the warm water has been used. I was standing there and then with this sudden change in "temperature", I ran out to see Cole who was then asleep in his little car seat. Obviously Aunty's first reaction: I undo the seatbelts and i grab him out the chair, obviously waking the little fellow. So now Cole looks at me and looks at all the people surrounding him and has this "Who the hell is this" look on his face mixed with a edable baby look. And again I go through a bit of an emotional reality, "This is me with my baby in December". My my, I think Sunday just sparked hidden thoughts really. So i look at Cole and I cant help but just stare at him, he is the most beautiful baby ever. He has snow white skin, with blue eyes and black hair that always has an "out of bed" look. If his hair is standing on end, then you must know that his grandma Jones wasnt near him to brush it. His little cheeks are red because he just woke up, he looks so cute, you actually just want to hold him so tight, untill you cant anymore. So i start pacing up and down with him, his little head trying to keep itself up and doing quite a good job of it. Its amazing to think that he is only 3 months old, if you didnt know, you would actually think he could be about 7 months old. And as im pacing with him, poor little Thomas is kicking against the roof now already because I am "invading" his space. I promise not to tell him that i was holding Cole for that long, but i guess he wont mind seeing to it that it is after all his cousin who will be fetching him for nights out with the yellow beetle ;)

Then Jill brings Connor along, another little beautiful boy, but he has blondish hair with light brown eyes and bit more caramel than Cole, but then again, everybody is more caramel than Cole. Even I am, but lets not forget, its been 26 years of tanning that has made me like this ;) So I look at Connor and I compare him to Cole, and gee, who is the three month old and who is the six month old, so i envision Cole and Connor having a bit of a tiff and Cole just keeping Connor at his forehead cos he is shorter, and I just get a bit of a giggle out. So now Liam and Thomas is left, and lets not forget Matthew (Janine and Shanon's little 1 year old boy, well almost, Friday 9 June he will be 1), Matthew is the eldest, so i take it, he will be the little peacemaker, "Come now boys, play nice or ill have to report the two of you to your parents", HA HA HA. Imagine that, so that still leaves Liam and Thomas. I can see poor Thomas, being the youngest, and most probably the most talkative, thanks to his mother!, saying, "Yo guys, whats up with the violence, lets rather play hide and seek" and Liam, the most obliging out the lot will just agree and avoid any discomfort or any fighting. It will be such a classic setting. So now Im smiling, a perfect setting, all these boys, ages are so close, they surely to be buddies oneday.

Oh my, then the reality hits, im going to be a mom!!! GEE, that is hectic on its own, im actually gonna be a mommy, having a little boy running after me all the time, wanting attention all the time, needing this and that, needing to be taken to the doctor or be nursed when he isnt feeling well, or just be loved and hugged and kissed and be spoiled. Now the feeling isnt bad at all, the thought, me a mom, i quite like it really..........HAPPINESS

Your thoughts


Friday, June 02, 2006

Just for interest sake

Apartheid has never been a great concern of mine, maybe because it has never affected me, well, that is untill i started working and realised all that was told or read was actually true and yet still so alive in the community's we all live in. What a scary thought that some people actually still think that they are more superior than others, shocking really. Anyway, this whole topic comes from a book i spotted at my uncle's place. Ive seen the book around at home at dad's but have never read it, merely because I just didnt care about the concept of apartheid. This is because I was never really exposed to it. I cant remember going to a beach and seeing a "Whites only" sign, or going anywhere and being chased away. I attended a white high school too, and it was the best years of my life, much better than primary school. I loved my white teachers and they absolutely loved our class, so much that they were all sobbing when we left, well, we wouldnt know whether it was of relief or of sadness for us leaving, but the latter is what i suspect ;)

Getting back to this book, i went visiting my uncle and aunt two weekends ago and spotted this book in his bookshelve and pulled it out and paged through it, and boy, was i shocked at the things i read. I dont know whether its more funny than degrading or more degrading than funny. Either way its actually completely hilarious, that i wonder who is really the UNEDUCATED ones........ Ag, thats me just trying to be nasty, we were all caught up in circumstance, terrible circumstance really.

Anyway, again getting back to this book, its called "Apartheid The Lighter Side" by Ben Maclennan and its made up of various quotes from newspapers, journals, gazettes, doctors, ministers of parliament, just made up of various things said during the apartheid era. So i decided to do some reading on it, and my o my, was i flabbagasted!

There are many to quotes but one that got the better of me was this quote by our First Lady in 1983:

"You know they are a negetive group. the definition of a coloured in the population register is someone that is not black, and is not white and is also not an indian, in other words a no-person. they are the left-overs. they are the people that were left after the nations were sorted out. They are the rest - Mrs Marike de Klerk, later to become SA first lady in 1983. quoted in the sunday tribune, February 5 1989"

What a mouth full of bullshit dont you think! Im actually sitting here thinking what i will write about this comment, but nothing comes out, its so shocking really that i just cant say anything about it. Lef-overs!! What a joke!
The sad thing about it all is that this could possibly have been taught to her by her parents or her social circle or her siblings or the man on the street, by anybody, i give her and apartheid that, but arent we the wiser as we grow and become INDIVIDUALISTIC!! And to think this was said on my 9th birthday, on my 9th birthday this women said that im a left-over! Maybe that is why my husband doesnt like left-over food, if i compare left-over food to coloured people being left-overs, doesnt it just make you sick to the core. And yet for me left-over food is the best tasting than the fresh food made on the day.

I dont want to sound like a sore COLOURED, just thought to share a bit of my reading with whoever feels fit to read this blog. We strive to not be discriminative and racist and everything else that has conotations of those two words, but its all alive, very much alive still. How many times dont we have to fight for what is right. I have friends that complain about their work situations, how racist it is, and how the white man still rules the planet. Now for someone like me to not have been exposed to it completely, I would be able to see if this is true or not, I should be the one being able to see if i agree or disagree, and i SO agree. And then what is said, we are just feeling sorry for ourselves, we are taking advantage of our situations, damn right, its by time we do take advantage or our situations, and yet still, its not even enough.

I just believe that right is right, and wrong is wrong. Im not going to say that i will now be a devoted ANC or a devoted ID or anything, what im saying is, right is right and wrong is wrong, and i dont care the colour of the person, if i feel in any way as if im being "done in" or if i feel im being unfairly treated, it doesnt matter who you are, you will hear about it. Now isnt that freedom of speach for you. I dont feel anything bad toward Marike, may her soul rest in peace, she has answered what she had too.

Apartheid will only die when the world ends!

I just thank God that its all over......well almost


Your Thoughts
Sonja xxx