Wednesday, July 12, 2006

World Cup 2010 - South Africa

All Ive been reading on the past three days is the Zinedine Zidane story, mainly because they are the team i rooted for in the final and also because I personally feel that Zizou is hotter than anything describable, he is just so yummy. But before I get carried away about him, which im certainly sure i would be able to do, lets chat a bit about the world cup we are to host in 2010.

Why i want to speak about this you might ask, well, i guess its a mixture of soccer hype we have all been on the past month and a bit about the article i just read on news24. Below is the link, go have a read and then comment freely as im about to do now anyway.....

Quite an eye opener, a sad one actually. SA is the number one country british are warned against touring. Sad really, but this is actually a true reality. SA has a whole group of people living in it that just doesnt care about anybody, certainly not about themselves and while this article states that they are not trying to discourage british from touring SA, I AM! I am discouraging any british or any other tourist from coming here. Call me a pathetic SA born female, but my thoughts is, if this country cant keep its people safe, HOW the hell is it going to keep others safe. I wouldnt go to a country that statistically has the highest crime rate, that wouldnt be a holiday for me at all.

Last night Deborah had safety and security persons on Third Degree, asking them what they are doing about our safety in this country. The answer is that they are actually doing absolutely F-ALL (no swearing now Sonja, kids could be reading this too). It just infuriates me that our government is doing nothing to secure our safety, its a shock and as much as we moan and groan and as much as we can think of many ways to help secure our country, it doesnt matter if the people with the money and "power" just dont care. And im quite sick of being told that the people need to put heads together and the people need to find ways of keeping themselves safe, and the people need to promote safety and security. If that be the case, then i dont want a government, i dont want somebody running the country, if i am to do everything for myself. Then i dont want to be paying taxes and i dont want to be earning a shitty salary, because surely their salaries all combined can open a whole new blady company, probably be able to employ thousands of people. This is shocking, and its bad, not the first time SA is put in the limelight about their crime, but clearly not even that bothers those who are supposed to use whatever measures to PROTECT us.

Like my buddy said, people dont care because the government doesnt care about them. And that is so true, people dont care because the government dont care about them, you find radio stations (Heart 104.9, Cape Town's soul) trying to raise funds to feed hungry children for a year. You will find shops (Pick n Pay) having drives to collect blankets. You will find youth groups (Youth on Fire) raising funds to buy blankets for the homeless. You will find all these people doing things, where does the government come into play, where are their donations and contributions, we want to see it, not just hear about it. Flora margerine had a drive for the comrades.

Pathetic that we have to pay taxes and we have to drive on broken roads, be afraid of driving with a door unlocked, be careful when entering our homes, be cautious about people walking behind us, be afraid of going visiting at night, might just get abducted, be afraid of using our cellphones in public, might just be ripped right out of our hands, be afraid to wear a tight jeans of fear that there will be some sicko seeing it as an invitation, be afraid of prisoners being freed out of prison and raping, killing, stealing again.


How are we to host the world cup in 2010 if we cant even be safe ourselves? Its like a person being an alcoholic having a child, he/she cant even look after him/herself, but has a child. Now SA is the alcoholic and we are the children. Shocking.......

Absolutely Pathetic!! I cant be proud of a country that lets me down all thet time, i just cant.......

Your thoughts



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you 110%
This government needs to take their fingers out of their arses and do something to start protecting the residents.... i too would discourage people from any other country in fact to come here, as much as i don't want to, bottom line remains something needs to be done to eradicate the crime!

i'm absolutely disgusted:(

8:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

12:23 pm  

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